On security tests

Here are my thoughts about security tests.

a) have section of test document with them in
b) have a test class test:SecurityTest
c) do not provide instructions for running security tests

d) have the following para in the section of the test document.

The following security tests are provided for implementers to
adapt and use for their implementation.
Security issues are usually system specific, and as is shown
in test TODO, it may be possible for a malicious party to access
XSLT version and vendor information concerning a specific GRDDL
agent instance.
These tests were developed during the development of the Jena
GRDDL Reader which uses the Saxon8.8 XSLT processor. They hence
illustrate how a malicious party may try to abuse features
of such an implementation.
We do not provide instructions as to how to test your system
against these tests, since they are likely to be not directly
Developers of GRDDL aware agents are encouraged to understand
these tests, and consider how their own systems may have
potential security weaknesses.

e) include the six Jena tests (which I can donate to W3C)


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Received on Friday, 23 March 2007 13:06:08 UTC