Re: Updates to test cases editor's draft.

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 09:12 -0400, Chimezie Ogbuji wrote:
> Per my two actions below, I've renamed the embedded-rdf* tests to
> inline-rdf*.  In addition I've updated aboutTests.xsl to extract
> additional triples associating each test with the rules they exercise,
> using the GRDDL spec anchor rule URIs.  The "Documenting Test Coverage"
> section has been updated to discuss these addition triples.
> Outstanding editorial sticky notes  /todos:
> - What changes (if any) to the "Testing Faithful Infosets" section to
> synch with decision to reopen/postpone faithful-infosets
> - Is it fair to state that XProc is not (at this time) mature enough to
> include test cases in XProc?

Perhaps. But it seems more straightforward not to give an opinion.
It's not clear to me why the GRDDL test cases doc should say
either way.

> - Does the postone decision affect the approval status of #xinclude /
> #noxinclude (doesn't appear that it does, from where I stand)

I suggest updating the approval links for
#xinclude and #noxinclude to

but otherwise, no changes.

> - Does the language in #noxinclude give a decent segue into how XProc
> could be used instead?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 21:13:37 UTC