primer review - part 1

review of
$Id: primer.html,v 1.71 2007/05/06 04:46:50 hhalpin Exp $

automated review of examples to follow.

I am reviewing with an expectation of imminent publication is WG note.

The only critical edit I am aware of is the text promised to David Booth 

In addition the SOTD and livery would need to be updated.

I had two non-critical comments:

- sometimes in the examples the transformation is given by a relative 
reference. If an absolute reference were given then the text code be 
copy-pasted. I suspect an absolute reference into the final location of 
the primer would be best. I leave it to the editors' discretion as to a) 
is this desirable and b) is it sufficiently desirable to be worth the work.

- the name "Embedded RDF" confused me, because I was more familiar with 
the library transformation with the same name, that does something 
totally different. No suggested change, but I will e-mail group about this.


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Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2007 17:18:47 UTC