Schedule and IETF - Working Draft/Last Call status

To make a long story short,  Ian (W3C Communications) and Ivan thought
it was okay to go the WWW2007 (May 8th) as a Candidate Recommendation,
and then release GRDDL as a Recommendation by July 17 publication.

    DanC produced some wonderful charts, and a Rec by July 17 is still
possible with a 2 month PR waiting for the IESG to approve the Profile
header. However, things are still a bit tight, and it's still very
important to get out to Last Call as soon as humanly possible.  The new
schedule is on our WG is on the web-page [1]. Yet, if we have the choice
between getting to Last Call faster and doing the most technically solid
and easy-to-read spec we can that addresses all our issues, we should do
the spec.

    So, if we don't get to Last Call on our next telecon, we need to
release another working draft in order to keep our WG "heart-beat."

    I've been very impressed with the tremendous amount of work done by
everyone since last week - thank you all, and keep up the good work. I
do think this is an important standard that will actually deploy the
Semantic Web!




Harry Halpin,  University of Edinburgh 6B522426

Received on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 06:05:19 UTC