Comments on Use Cases draft (final part)

Generally ok. I'm comfortable with this draft going forward as-is,
though I have a handful of suggestions (below).

The only significant alteration I think might make sense is with the
Glossary: cut or expand and/or move. It seems rather half-hearted (it
should at least link to better definitions), and I'm not sure the Use
Case doc is the right place for it.


*** Use case #6 - XForms-based Webapps: Voltaire wants to facilitate
the extraction of transport semantics from an online form used to edit
blog entries.


*** Use case #7 - XML Schema specifying a transformation: the OAI
would like to be able to specify document licenses in their XML

- a little more detail (and perhaps a diagram) wouldn't hurt.

*** Use case #8 - Pulling Data from the Web: Steffen wants to build a
directory of the people he works with.

Penultimate sentence:
It is also easier for the consumer of the RDF to trust GRDDL
transformations when they have been explicitly licensed by the author
of the documents.
Although tidying of source documents can be part of a pragmatic
approach to gathering data, the consumer of the RDF can only trust
GRDDL transformations when they have been explicitly licensed by the
author of the documents.

*** Use case #9 Using HTTP Headers to transform: Oceanic Consortium
wants to convert their XML files to RDF without altering their XML

- again, a little more fleshing out (and perhaps a diagram) wouldn't hurt.

Note there's a stray "Use case #8" title after the glossary.


Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 11:35:28 UTC