Re: #grddlonrdf test-case: approve?

On Sat, 2007-02-10 at 20:59 -0500, Harry Halpin wrote:
> Now that Chime's implementation passes one of these three tests, I'd
> like someone else to try to see if they can get these test-cases to work
> (cc'ing Jeremy, Dave). Pending their tests, I propose that we
> approve tests these at the next telecon:

Please let's not make aliases for the tests; let's use
the media-type-independent names:

> They cover the GRDDL 3 options of a GRDDL transform being on a RDF doc:
> 1) You just have as a result the GRDDL result
> 2) You have as the result the GRDDL source document
> 3) You have the merge of 1) and 2)
> Now, this is non-trivial, as we could propose to accept only 1 or any
> combination of two of the above test-cases. If we do accept 1), for
> example, then GRDDL results are non-additive. However, I do think it
> makes sense, since I guess quite a few implementations are going to do 1)
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 12 February 2007 12:59:45 UTC