Re: GRDDLing Metalink XML

On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 12:03 +0100, Danny Ayers wrote:
> There may be a nice deployment in the pipeline, I'd appreciate another
> eyeball or two on things (- should also make a little extra tutorial
> material somewhere).
> Metalink is an XML format for describing sets of downloadable files,
> primarily for use by download managers. It's got a significant amount
> of adoption, see:

Hmm... I peeked at this a while back; the amount of adoption
wasn't as clear back then...

> (If this gets GRDDL-enabled ok, it could make a good inclusion for the
> press release).
> Pre-GRDDL, danbri started discussion with them (specifically Anthony
> Bryan) about expressing the data in RDF, and provided code to do a
> translation/mapping. Which is great, but would only work where
> deployed, and the metalink XML can be produced/hosted by anyone.
> Anthony recently contacted me re. GRDDL, and I've just done some XSLT
> for it, links below.
> The namespace URI is that of their homepage, which currently just has
> an HTML representation. Seems like there are two nice ways of
> GRDDL-enabling the format: RDF through conneg, tweaking the homepage
> HTML. I'd appreciate an eyeball check on these:
> In .htaccess, same dir as the homepage:
> AddType application/rdf+xml .rdf
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule ^index.html$ index.rdf
> in index.rdf :
> <rdf:RDF
>   xmlns:rdf=""
>   xmlns:dataview="">
>  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
>    <dataview:namespaceTransformation
>        rdf:resource=""/>
>  </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>
> Or in the HTML:
> <head profile="">
> <link rel="namespaceTransformation"
> href="" />
> ...

That's not quite enough. You need something to turn
that rel="namespaceTransformation" link to RDF; i.e.:

<link rel="transformation"
       href="" />

> Here's the latest XSLT, some mapping notes in the top of it:
> There's a simple sample input/output (generated using metalink creator,
> describing the XSLT):
> A more complete sample output is at:

Hmm... xmlns=""
that means that <Metalink ... turns
into , which is 404.

It looks like there's an XML schema at

I'd suggest an RDF schema somewhere near there, and

> Cheers,
> Danny.
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 10 August 2007 15:38:43 UTC