Re: #xmlbase [1234]

I've checked that Chime's reading works for my code, and modified four 
files to go with that reading.

The old versions of the files are attached: two from the library and two 
from the test directory.

I'm unlikely to be on e-mail at the same time as John and Chime today, 
since I have other things this afternoon.

Hence, I leave it up to you to decide which way to go. If you go with 
the older reading, please replace the files from the zip (if you don't 
have write permission on the library I will do that Monday).

What I did was:
a) modify my code, to use baseURI() rather than retrievalURI() to 
process RDF/XML output. (one line change)
b) ran the tests, then #xmlbase[13] and #htmlbase[13] failed.
c) modified the library code to *ignore* html:base completely, and to 
only take account of xml:base on non-root elements, i.e.:

<xsl:if test="ancestor-or-self::*[position()!=last()][@xml:base]">
         <xsl:call-template name="xmlbase"/>


d) precisely the same tests failed.

e) updated the two output files in the zip, and checked them in

f) all tests passed.


Note loading the tests was with this code:

// removed tests
// xmlbase tests have wrong output file in draft


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Received on Friday, 27 April 2007 09:29:21 UTC