Re: issue-base-param

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 15:20 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> I think that GRDDL has to follow HTML here, and resolve the href in the 
> same way as HTML, so that
> is a transformation of

Yes, that makes sense.

The spec just says "the resource identified by the absolute form of the
href attribute with respect to the base IRI of E ...". Perhaps,
with a reference to this test in the test case doc, that's sufficient?

I looked this up in the XHTML spec; it's hopeless. The
href attribute is specified to take a URI, per RFC 2396,
which is bogus; it should be URI reference... or
really, IRI reference.

I could add normative prose to the GRDDL spec that specifies how base
is handled in HTML, but that seems like a losing game.

I am inclined to change the informative mechanical rule from
  ?E fn:base-uri ?BASE.
  ?E gspec:html-base ?BASE.

p.s. regarding whether to re-open this issue
our decision is...

"RESOLVED: Given that a base URI parameter is a parameter whose value is
the base URI of the source document, the WG RESOLVES not to define a
base URI parameter for transforms."

and I regard the test results you've sketched to be consistent with
that decision; i.e. our decision is "GRDDL doesn't do anything
special with base; it just follows the norms of XML and XHTML".

But since we need a WG decision to approve the test cases anyway,
we might as well amend the issue decision to note them.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2007 14:45:53 UTC