Re: Primer review... ok to go with XFN as is?

The paragraph before the first XFN snippet (starts with 'Another 

Another microformat that allows for more information to be gleaned from 
the document is XFN. XFN is the XHTML Friends Network.  XFN outlines 
relationships between individuals using a controlled set of values in the 
rel attributes of links.  Examples of such relationships are friends, 
colleagues, co-workers, etc.

Since XFN relationships are embedded in anchor ('a') elements they can be 
expressed (in RDF) as rdfs:seeAlso relationships between additional RDF 
graphs, foaf:knows relationships between people, properties constructed 
using the XFN namespace and the corresponding rel values, and appropriate 
terms from the relationship vocabulary [1].

These descriptions allow an RDF spider (a scutter) to follow links to additional RDF content that may also 
include vCard and FOAF descriptions.  In addition, the use of these 
well-established RDF vocabulary terms for the relationships lend a certain 
amount of authority to what the XFN markup in the original source document 
express in XHTML.

I wasn't sure what to do with the paragraphs leading up to the rel='me' 
snippet or the one afterwards...

For the paragraph starting with 'Stephan's friend Peter Smith..':

Stephan's friend Peter Smith writes several reviews of a new guitars. Each 
review has a link to the reviewer's profile page on the review site. 
Stephan know that the profile page belongs to Peter by visual inspection, 
but a machine does not.  Luckily, Peter's profile page can link back to 
his own personal site using a rel="me" XFN link.  This allows an RDF 
client to infer that the Peter on the Guitar site is the same Peter linked 
from Stephan's page.

For the paragraph starting with 'The first restriction on ...':

The first restriction on the data can be a check on review data such as 
rating. Once we have all the matching reviews, we can then restricted 
based on Stephan's friends. From the XFN links in Stephan's page which 
identify people Stephan trusts, we can match URIs to other locations where 
they have been asserted (the guitar review page for instance).

Received on Friday, 29 September 2006 21:52:32 UTC