Re: Primer review... ok to go with XFN as is?

Chime, Harry,

Ian has run out of time for the week...

<iand> v 1.4 is in cvs
<DanC> does 1.4 include an attempt at XFN?
<iand> no.
<DanC> ah. hm.
<DanC> I'll try to get Chime's OK without it.
<iand> ok, thanks. i have to dash!

Would you please take a look at

and let us know if you can OK what's there about XFN?

I'm having plenty of doubts of my own about whether I can
get this WD out today. I'm re-discovering all sorts of
W3C patent policy stuff etc. that's between us and publication.

So if you give a thumbs-down, it won't be the only reason
we don't ship. But it may be a two week slip, not just one,
since I'm out of town next week.

I sorta have an OK from Harry...

<HarryH> I was hoping to sit down and crank out some example files for
the primer, but won' t have time till next week. 
<HarryH> Working drafts don't have to be perfect, I just want it to be
*good* :)
<HarryH> And I've never got any RDF->XFN identity consolidation stuff
ever working, so I'd need someone to give me pointers to write example
files and help with the primer.
<HarryH> XFN->RDF
<DanC> RDF->XFN identity is so easy... I just need another pair of
<DanC> have you seen my original "XFN on the GRDDL" message from umpteen
years ago?
<DanC> ok, truth be told, I haven't worked thru the details of the more
recent XFN identity stuff. but it looks really easy.
<DanC> we could work toward a cwm proof of cross-site identity ;-)
<-- iand has quit (Ping timeout)
<HarryH> No, hadn't seen that message before!
<HarryH> I should get on that listserv..
<HarryH> Hmmm...I've also noticed some of my grammatical changes haven't
been checked into the primer.
<HarryH> Things like missing subjects of a few sentences.
<HarryH> OK - I feel guilty. I'll go and work on the Primer example
files now...
<HarryH> And will shoot the results off to the list in a few hours.
However, I'm OK with them not appearing in the WD.
<DanC> re grammatical changes, I'm standing by for an update from Ian
<HarryH> OK will work on getting example files together for Brian's XFN
<HarryH> However, again - just ship it whenever you're happy with it.

On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 12:55 -0400, Chimezie Ogbuji wrote:
> (Buying a Guitar Example)
> Use usecase titles instead of use case #3
> "Given a seed URL with XFN data, .." => "Given an XHTML document with XFN .."
> "That FoaF file .." => "The extracted foaf <rdf graph|descriptions> .."
> I wasn't able to follow specific parts of this example.  In particular, 
> it wasn't clear how the FOAF descriptions gleaned from XFN would 
> facilitate spidering for additional GRDDL source documents.  It seemed a 
> bit out of place and could either use a short paragraph on RDF spidering 
> or should be left out if it's not essential to the GRDDL-specific aspects 
> of the example.
> In addition, the section on identity consolidation via rel="me" was 
> unclear to me.  I think a diagram identifying 
> these connections between the the source data, and the resulting RDF descriptions 
> would make this much clearer and is essential for this example especially.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 29 September 2006 19:16:31 UTC