Re: The Steven King Example

On 24/11/2006 16:20, Murray Maloney wrote:
> Dan wrote a GRDDL result that is much more complex than 
> I had hoped,
> but he said that it was an accurate RDF representation of the triple:
>         "Stephen King" "is author of" "The Stand".
> I am totally willing to accept the proposition that Dan and I got it 
> wrong. I would love
> to see the example that gets it right, and I only hope that I will be 
> able to follow it.

I would suggest this:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
   <ex:isAuthorOf rdf:resource="" />

> This exercise has reinforced my intuition that the Semantic Web is even 
> more prone
> to misinterpretation than common English prose embedded within XHTML. My 
> intuition
> tells me that
> is a web page which conveys the fact that "Stephen King" "is author of" 
> "The Stand"

The problem could be that your statement above conveys more information 
than simply "Stephen King" "is author of" "The Stand".

You're also saying that the page at the url you specify states the above 
fact. That's the source of the additional complexity. You're stating 
facts like (pseudo-rdf ahead): "is a" "web page" "conveys fact" "the fact"

"the fact" "has subject" "stephen king"

"the fact" "has predicate" "is author of"

"the fact" "has object" "The Stand"



Received on Friday, 24 November 2006 16:44:46 UTC