Re: toward tests for spec#issue-mt-ns

On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 12:13 -0500, Dan Connolly wrote:
> Brian sketched some tests a while ago...
> Grddl Squirrel 6 test cases

> I didn't really finish making the test case.

I think I got it working now.

The question is: if a document looks like RDF
(with a namespaceTransformation property) but is labelled
with content-type application/xml, does it have any (non-trivial)
GRDDL results?

My implementation currently says: no.
So that's what I put in the test suite, for now.
sq1-output.rdf is an empty graph.

    <#sq1>     a :Test;
         dc:title "squirrel test 1 re namespace documents and media
         :description "squirrel test 1 re namespace documents and media
         :inputDocument <sq1.xml>;
         :outputDocument <sq1-output.rdf>;

I added another test to sorta show why sq1 has
an empty result:

    <#sq1a>     a :Test;
         dc:title "explain sq1 result: the namespace document has
no/empty GRDDL result";
         :description "explain sq1 result: the namespace document has
no/empty GRDDL result";
         :inputDocument <sq1ns.xml>;
         :outputDocument <sq1-output.rdf>;

And another to show the non-squirrely case...

   <#grddl_rdf>     a :Test;
         dc:title "for application/rdf+xml documents, the RDF/XML
reading is a grddl result";
         :description "for application/rdf+xml documents, the RDF/XML
reading is a grddl result";
         :inputDocument <projects.rdf>;
         :outputDocument <projects.rdf>;

I think the spec doesn't actually say that yet.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 07:27:20 UTC