Re: New and Improved Use-Case document?

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 17:38 +0100, Harry Halpin wrote:
> Everyone,
>     Please make sure all your edits (as given by action items over the
> last two meetings) for the use-case document are done by the end of
> tomorrow (Tuesday) so we can all read the document on Wed. morning and
> discuss it.
>  Looking over it, I'm going to note some outstanding issues with the
> document as it stands that I'd like people to address.  Please e-mail
> your use-cases and responses to these issues to Danny Ayers ASAP.
> 1) The merger of the wiki use case and the e-learning use-case, as given
> by Fabien earlier, seems not there.

By "there" do you mean

> 2) Chime - The XForms/AtomOWL use case, is that complete?
> 3) Ian - the querying website use case needs more fleshing out. Also, we
> need
> a use case explicitly featuring embedded RDF.
> 4) BenA  - any more fleshed out of a story for the RDF/A
>     use-case?
> 5) Chime/DanC - any ideas for a clinical data use case?

Er... Did you miss Chime's msg of 17 Aug?

> 6) Are we happy with the scheduling and review (guitar-buying...wasn't
> that going to change to hotel-booking?) use-cases?

We didn't assign any actions to change the guitar-buying case
to a hotel-booking case. I'd still like that to happen, but it's
up to whoever wants to do the work.

I haven't done what I expected to do on my action re the
scheduling use case; but since Fabien didn't like the idea
of combining a tutorial with the use cases document, I'm
sorta stalled pending more inspiration.

> 7) DanC and BenA - a story for the XML Schema/OAI use case?

I don't expect to do anything about that until Ben surfaces
from his other commitments. Looks like it might have
to wait until after this first publication.

> 7) Can we put Fabien's wonderful graphics back in the document?

If, by "the document" you mean
then yes, we can; in particular, you can :)

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 18:59:02 UTC