RDF Model vs Serialization (Language)

Hi There:

I didn't see this covered any place in the mail archives but please
excuse if it was. And please excuse the following if I'm just completely
off the wall here.

But seems to me there is some confusion throughout the WD about RDF the
data model and RDF/XML one serialization of (or language for) the RDF
data model.

Section 1:

1. "There are dialects of XHTML, XML and RDF that are used ..."

Shouldn't that be RDF/XML? Can one really have a dialect of a model? I
can imagine having a dialect of RDF/XML, i.e. a profile of RDF rendered
as RDF/XML, e.g. XMP.

And also the other two are markup languages. I don't think the
underlying data model - the XML InfoSet - is intended here.

2. "Here's the information contained in the XML fragments above, this
time expressed as RDF:"

Well, no. "expressed as RDF/XML". (This one, I am sure is correct.)

3. "or one of the other RDF syntaxes"

I'm unsure about this. Can one strictly have a syntax for a model? Or is
that a syntax for a serialization of the model?

4. "GRDDL provides a relatively inexpensive mechanism for bootstrapping
RDF content from uniform XML dialects,"

Again, isn't this sloppy? (But here I could be wrong. Maybe I'm just
getting very paranoid.)

5. "Content authors can nominate the transformations for producing RDF
from their content"


6. "the transformation will provide a faithful rendition in RDF"

Now here I really do think this means some serialization of RDF (well
OK, it's likely to be RDF/XML)

7. "that the transformation will provide a faithful RDF rendition"


Section 2:

1. "which are expected to transform the source document into RDF"


etc., etc.

Sorry to be a pedant. But to echo katemonkey here:

	"Web standards help designers and developers create the pedantic




Tony Hammond

New Technology, Nature Publishing Group
4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW, UK 


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