Re: GRDDL profile for RDF-A

We have discussed this issue in the past so we should have it handy by
now why we don't have a standard profile (maybe in the FAQ??).

In short, I don't think profile urls work because not everyone uses them
(point in case microformats). Therefore, to depend on it to find RDFa
would be misguided. There are other practical issues, such as limited
access authors/publishers that don't have control over the head section
of the page. This violates one of our principles of copy and paste/drag
and drop. It would require copying the profile and enabling on the page
you pasted it, hence making it more cumbersome that copy and paste alone.

We want metadata to be first class in (X)HTML and not depend on special
codes to tell us if there's metadata. (X)HTML already has semantic
features which authors can use to express their meaning such as h1, h2,
lists, links, meta, rel, rev, etc. Therefore, all pages have metadata,
we are just adding richer capabilities.

I hope this answers your question.


José Manuel Cantera Fonseca wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a standard GRDDL profile for RDF-A that avoids to explictly
> declare a GRDDL transformation in a RDF-A document?
> For example in ERDF exists a standard profile
> <head profile="">
> that avoids to explicitly referentiate the transformations to be done to
> extract the RDF from the document.
> Thanks and best regards

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 17:27:30 UTC