SV: GraphQL-RDF implementation, schema generation and common ground


“It would be good to start some analysis across the various GraphQL-RDF schema generation approaches to find common ground and divergence”



Fra: Jem Rayfield <>
Sendt: 16. september 2020 11:26
Emne: GraphQL-RDF implementation, schema generation and common ground


Does the group have an up to date list of GraphQL-RDF solutions, libraries, services etc? If not where can we start collating this information?

Also, could we perhaps get Rubens paper<> updated?

It would be good to start some analysis across the various GraphQL-RDF schema generation approaches to find common ground and divergence.

Let me know how I can help, with the effort

Jem Rayfield
Chief Architect
Ontotext AD

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2020 09:31:48 UTC