Re: NXT design for memory barriers and buffer mapping.


I'm having a small question regarding the implementation of memory 
barriers. In the proposal the previous resources states (D3D12) or 
access masks (Vulkan)  are unknown at command buffer recording time and 
only known on actual queue submission if I understand it correctly. 
Would this require then to cache all commands internally and defer the 
actual command buffer calls until queue submission?


Am 15.11.2017 um 05:51 schrieb Corentin Wallez:
> Hey all,
> We wrote some document to help everyone reason about NXT's proposals 
> for memory barriers and resource upload /download. Unfortunately we 
> still don't have a fleshed out proposal that minimizes the number of 
> copies on UMA. Instead the docs focus on explaining our current design 
> for resource upload/download and for memory barriers since they are 
> very tied. Eventually we'll have these docs in MarkDown in some repo, 
> either WebGPU's or NXT's.
>   * NXT "memory barriers"
>     <>
>     <- Please read this first as buffer mapping depends on it.
>   * NXT buffer mapping
>     <>
> Cheers,
> Corentin

Received on Friday, 17 November 2017 19:17:01 UTC