Thanks Ghislain, yes, I'll get the references since Dave is in the next office over from me ;-) Yes, I have some additional updates that I'll add within a time boxed effort of 8 hours.
Thank you again for your input.
Bernadette Hyland
On Oct 17, 2013, at 4:11 AM, Ghislain Atemezing <> wrote:
> Hi Hadley,
> Hopefully I can make the call this afternoon ;)
>> Regarding point 4. We did some improvements with Ghis during summer
> As pointed by Boris, we spent some hours during summer working on bp doc. And I confess since then, no more updates were added to the doc -at least from our side :( -
> In the current version [1], I am still looking for two missing references : [Wood2007] and [Wood2010]. Any pointer ?
> Also, there are 3 issues in the spec and I find two of them very important: the "SKOS Guide" and "URI Construction" issues.
> Maybe Bernadette has more to add to the above.
> Cheers,
> Ghislain
> [1]
> --
> Ghislain Atemezing
> EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
> Campus SophiaTech
> 450, route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
> e-mail: &
> Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8178
> Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200
> Web: