- From: Government Linked Data Working Group Issue Tracker <sysbot+tracker@w3.org>
- Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 19:00:49 +0000
- To: public-gld-wg@w3.org
ISSUE-69 (IC-8 Errata): Typo in IC-8 rule [Data Cube Vocabulary] http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/track/issues/69 Raised by: Dave Reynolds On product: Data Cube Vocabulary There is a typo in the SPARQL query used to implement integrity check IC-8 (http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#ic-8) in the Data Cube specification. The published query is: ASK { ?slicekey a qb:SliceKey; qb:componentProperty ?prop . ?dsd qb:sliceKey ?sliceKey . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?dsd qb:component [qb:componentProperty ?prop] } } However, the second occurrence of ?slicekey is mis-typed as ?sliceKey making it a different variable. For a data set comprising a single data cube, the normal case, this has no effect. There will be only one match to ?dsd (the Data Structure Definition) and the check will work. However, in cases where there are multiple data cubes with different DSDs within the same graph then the rule will incorrectly fail. This does not affect any reported implementation conformance results.
Received on Saturday, 2 November 2013 19:00:50 UTC