Editorial changes requested by EC for ADMS and regOrg (was Fwd: W3C Note)

Dear all,

As you can see below, Vassilios from the European Commission (and 
formally a member of the WG) has asked for some changes to the 
acknowledgement sections of the ADMS and RegOrg Notes published last 
week. There are no changes/comments on the substantive part of the 

In order to make these changes however we need to go through a 
publication cycle. May I therefore ask please that, at the chairs' 
discretion, the WG resolves to publish updated versions of the two 
Notes. In anticipation, I have created new versions in the HG repository


@Vassilios, please confirm that the changes are satisfactory from your POV.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: W3C Note
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 17:32:20 +0000
From: <Vassilios.PERISTERAS@ec.europa.eu>
To: <phila@w3.org>
CC: <stijn.goedertier@pwc.be>, <nikolaos.loutas@pwc.be>, 

Hello Phil,

It is great to see the ADMS and the RegORG specs as W3C Note.
Great work!

I have two comments:

1.       May  I ask for a correction at the RegORG page? It reads: 
RegOrg was first developed by PwC EU Services and published by the 
This should become:
RegOrg was first developed and published by the European Commission ISA 
Programme with support from Directorate General Internal Market and 
Services (DG MARKT) as ”Core Business Vocabulary”.

Alternatively, and even better, you could include a similar paragraph to 
the following we find at the ADMS page…

The original development of ADMS was carried out under the 
Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations ( ISA 
Programme<http://ec.europa.eu/isa/> ) of the European Commission (EC). 
Contributors included representatives of Member States of the European 
Union, operators of national repositories, standardization bodies and 
independent experts whose work was published in April 2012 [ 
ADMS1<http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-vocab-adms-20130528/#bib-ADMS1> ]. 
That document includes the history and motivation behind the development 
of ADMS, as well as the business need and usage scenario for it.

This version of ADMS builds on that work in a broader, global context. 
It also includes some changes to the original version made as a result 
of implementation experience, particularly on the European Commission's 
Joinup Platform<http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/> .

2.       Although the ADMS page clearly explains the ISA background, 
again the first sentence should be revised accordingly. That is “ADMS 
was first developed by PwC EU Services and published by the European 
Commission<http://joinup.ec.europa.eu/asset/adms/home>” to become “ADMS 
was first developed and published by the European Commission ISA Programme”.

The corrections suggested here are important to clarify the background 
of this important work.

Many thanks in advance.


Received on Thursday, 6 June 2013 08:55:06 UTC