- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:25:58 +0100
- To: Sandro Hawke <sandro@w3.org>
- CC: Public GLD WG <public-gld-wg@w3.org>
I have put updated versions of RegOrg and ADMS in place at http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-vocab-adms-20130723/ http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-vocab-regorg-20130723/ I have also been through Benedikt's message to me from last month and taken some action regarding Americanising, sorry, Americanizing, the spelling etc. I have recorded my happiness with the doc as it now is. I have *not*, however, put it through Pub Rules and installed it in TR space. HTH Phil. On 18/07/2013 16:28, Sandro Hawke wrote: > See https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/gld/2013-07-18 > > It'd be great to get the DCAT and Cube-UCR (and maybe ADMS and RegOrg) > publications done on Tuesday -- which means being ready Monday Morning > -- so that in the Extension Request (to be considered Wednesday) they > can just be "done". > > But it's not a big deal if they can't It'd just be nice to get them > done, so the group would be down to only four deliverables (dcat, org, > cube, bp). > > -- Sandro > > > -- Phil Archer W3C eGovernment http://philarcher.org +44 (0)7887 767755 @philarcher1
Received on Friday, 19 July 2013 17:26:30 UTC