ISSUE-68 (QB validation gap): QB validation rules lack miss a potentially common case [Data Cube Vocabulary]

ISSUE-68 (QB validation gap): QB validation rules lack miss a potentially common case [Data Cube Vocabulary]

Raised by: Dave Reynolds
On product: Data Cube Vocabulary

An implementation report [] has revealed that the validation rules in the spec are not as complete as we would have liked. They fail to detect a potentially common case.

The DataCube validation rules check that every Observation has a (unique) associated qb:DataSet (ic-1) and that every declared qb:DataSet has a structure definition (ic-2).

However, if the dataset associated with the observation does not have an explicit type declaration then ic-2 is not applied to it. 

This is arguably an omission in the closure rules in phase one of the normalization algorithm [].

Should also have:

    ?ds rdf:type qb:DataSet .
    ?o qb:dataSet ?ds .

The specification does say that implementations MAY use full RDFS inference which would cover this case. But it is only a MAY.

The hard question is what to do about this process-wise. Both the rules and normalization algorithm having be marked At Risk we can delete them but I don't think we can extend them without a reset to the process.

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2013 08:43:30 UTC