ISSUE-54 (DCAT+VoID): Relationship of DCAT and VoID [DCAT]

ISSUE-54 (DCAT+VoID): Relationship of DCAT and VoID [DCAT]

Raised by: Richard Cyganiak
On product: DCAT

The relationship between these two vocabularies is a topic that comes up repeatedly.

Given that DCAT is Rec-track while VoID is just a Note, the DCAT spec isn't the place to fully explore that topic, IMO. However, the DCAT spec should contain:

* an informative reference to VoID,
* a brief explanation of the difference in scope between both vocabularies,
* a pointer to a place that talks about the relationship in more detail, which would ideally be an updated VoID spec.

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 22:38:06 UTC