Re: Best Practices — document to the WG today?

Thanks for all the work on this. From my POV the only outstanding issues 
are entirely editorial. I'm reading through the doc now and my native 
speaker/grammatical pedantry has me in a vice-like grip, which is my way 
of saying that I'd like to do some polishing of the text. Not changing 
its meaning, just putting it through an editorial mill.

Mind if I do that now? (i.e. ahead of the meeting)?


On 12/12/2013 10:25, Ghislain Atemezing wrote:
> Hi Dave, Phil
>> The only significant one not addressed is the reference to http-range-14, which was also mentioned in Phil's review (who also said that TAG needed to expanded).
> Is this new version fine for you?
>> I noticed one typo s/aapropriate advisors/appropriate advisors/
> Cheers,
> Ghislain


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:37:09 UTC