- From: Christophe Guéret <christophe.gueret@dans.knaw.nl>
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2013 19:41:10 +0200
- To: <hadley@linkedgov.org>, Bernadette Hyland <bhyland@3roundstones.com>, "phila@w3.org" <phila@w3.org>, "public-gld-wg@w3.org" <public-gld-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CABP9CAH3T2NT-6PxTEd=1knvhVY-QD2NbXgYxApiTaCu6eD=jw@mail.gmail.com>
Dear Hadley, Bernadette, Phil, everyone, It was great seeing many of you in Dublin and London ! :) Here is the link to the ERS project I talked about during the break out sessions at ODW: http://worldwidesemanticweb.wordpress.com/projects/entity-registries/ ("WikiReg" is an internal name for DANS - I will update the blog soon) all the code is on GitHub: https://github.com/ers-devs This project started around the idea that in Africa, where intercontinental Internet is still expensive, it is rather stupid to have to issue an international query just to resolve a domain name considering that LOD uses FQDNs only as part of the URI - which is the only identifier LOD cares about. I discussed that with Philippe Cudré Mauroux, he discussed that with VeriSign, and we got a grant to work on that ! What we are implementing now - and have to deliver in November - is a system that is in fact very close to OKKAM but de-centralised and works offline. The entities are identified by URNs. Every system joining the network can extend the description of entities, create new ones and interconnect them. All the data is stored in couchDB and directly served by the nodes. It's a bit like if rather than having one (Wiki/DB)pedia server everyone editing the pages would serve the diffs directly from his own machine :-) (Of course there are many other problems that come up. We have an answer to most of them but I want to keep the mail short so feel free to ask if you want to know more) Besides, to come back to the point I made about HTTPS, I think encryptions technologies on the Web (TLS, GPG, ...) did not receive the attention they deserve. It's only very recently that HTTPS has become the default for social sites and that browsers started to show certificates to validate domain name instead of just letting the user see if the domain name looks good. I mentionned WebID but my point was more, "Shall we talk about trusted connections for Open (Gov) Data ?" to which I would answer, "Yes, obviously". I hope most Open Data enthusiast share that point of view... Cheers, Christophe -- Onderzoeker +31(0)6 14576494 christophe.gueret@dans.knaw.nl *Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)* DANS bevordert duurzame toegang tot digitale onderzoeksgegevens. Kijk op www.dans.knaw.nl voor meer informatie en contactgegevens. DANS is een instituut van KNAW en NWO. *e-Humanities Group (KNAW)* http://ehumanities.nl/
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Received on Sunday, 28 April 2013 17:41:38 UTC