QB UC WG Note - Call for Reviewers

Hello everyone,

As discussed in the call, I would like to ask for reviewers of the QB UC document [1].

The document's main purpose is to motivate use cases and requirements of the QB spec to an audience that considers QB in applications. As such, technical background in QB is helpful, but not necessary.

Reviewing the clarity of the text could be reviewed by nearly everyone and would already be helpful.

The deeper relationships between the QB specification and the QB UC document probably only can be reviewed by Dave or Richard.

Any help with getting the document out as a WG Note would be appreciated.



[1] <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gld/raw-file/default/data-cube-ucr/data-cube-ucr-20130227/index.html>

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 15:17:11 UTC