ISSUE-65 (DCATdatasetVersions): Add properties for dataset versioning [DCAT]

ISSUE-65 (DCATdatasetVersions): Add properties for dataset versioning [DCAT]

Raised by: Fadi Maali
On product: DCAT

Last Call comment from Andrea Perego:

Datasets may include versioning information, and possibly references to
other versions of the same dataset.

The DCAT spec does not provide recommendations on how to specify this.

The current version of the ADMS spec [1] defines properties which can be
re-used for this purpose, e.g.,
- version number
- version notes
- reference(s) to previous version(s)
- reference(s) to next version(s)


A proposed resolution is not to include this in DCAT as we didn't come across a catalog that maintains versions of datasets. There exists a number of vocabularies such as xhv that can be used and ADMS supports versioning

Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 18:02:38 UTC