Hi all,
On behalf of the GLD WG, I wanted to thank everyone who participated either in person or remotely in the final GLD WG F2F. Our agenda is here.[0]
We had a very high turn out for a final WG F2F. Ten people in person (day #1) with 6 people dialed in remotely. We worked through many complex issues and made considerable progress towards our final deliverables. We had a sizable deliverables list and have done well, especially in the last six months to really get a lot done.
Thanks to Hadley for her skills using W3C wiki infrastructure to keep our deliverable clearly articulated & tracked, to all the editors for the considerable work and integrity to your respective deliverables. Thank you for your focus, attention and collaboration.
Finally, a very warm thanks to Deirdre who helped organize the onsite F2F meeting. We enjoyed sunshine, a great view of the 4th largest athletic stadium in Europe, Irish dancing and great food thanks to you!
Minutes from day #1 [1] and day #2 [2] are available. We plan to have an outreach discussion in May before the WG ends to ensure some reasonable level of exposure of the deliverables and continuity with any WRs and Community Groups that emerge beyond this working group related to the Web of Data.
Finally, please remember to add your your organization to the new & improved Community Directory, a fully Linked Data application.[3]
Speak with you all next on Thursday 18-April at the usual time.
Bernadette Hyland, co-chair
W3C Government Linked Data Working Group
Charter: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/
[0] www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F3
[1] http://www.w3.org/2013/04/11-gld-minutes.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/2013/04/12-gld-minutes.html
[3] Community Directory, http://dir.w3.org