Re: relationship between DCAT and VOID

On Tue, 2012-05-01 at 10:52 +0100, Sarven Capadisli wrote:
> Fadi, do you reckon that the difference should be briefly mentioned
> in 
> the DCAT spec? Perhaps elaborating on "By using DCAT to describe 
> datasets in data catalogs" in the Introduction or Vocabulary Overview.

Thanks for pointing this out, Sarven.  Yes, we should say something
about this in the spec, I think prominently.  The fact that this
question is been raised twice already suggests that it's a huge question
in the mind of the readers.

As a general rule, the answer to any public comment is, "thanks for your
valuable input; in response, we've changed the editor's drafts as
follows .... ;  please take a look and let us know whether this
addresses your concern".   If we don't think the change will be enough
for them, then we should also include an explanation why we think it is

   -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 12:19:33 UTC