ISSUE-26 (dct:language range): Range of dcterms:language is a resource, not literal [DCAT]

ISSUE-26 (dct:language range): Range of dcterms:language is a resource, not literal [DCAT]

Raised by: Phil Archer
On product: DCAT

DCAT uses dcterms:language as a property of dcat:Catalog and dcat:Dataset. In both cases we state that the range is:

"rdfs:Literal a string representing the code of the language as described in"

This is incorrect according to the DC spec which gives the range as - i.e. a resource.

We have a number of options:
- create a subproperty and define its range as being a literal;
- identify a set of URIs that end with the RFC3066 codes (analogous to for countries);
- create such a set (this could be seen as being very useful by others!);
- stop worrying and just use a literal and have done with it.

Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 13:26:12 UTC