Legislative Data and Transparency Conference and regrets GLD-WG 02-Feb-2012

Congress is getting serious about publishing legislative information using 
standards. What's cool is that they are having a big conference in a very, 
well, transparent way.

I'm leading the panel on extending the XML and Metadata Standards. 
(2:30-3:30) Tom Bruce from the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law 
School will be speaking about the US Code into RDF.  There are some 
exciting developments internally in the House that set the foundation for 
later Linked Data opportunities.

I will not be on the call tomorrow because I'll be at the conference.
A notice of this conference went out on the W3C egovernment listserv,
but I thought I'd post it here as well only because,
at least my section, involves linked data.

Details below.

Thanks to everyone for a terrific F2F.
...Really enjoyed the upside down camera at the end, Galway.
Look forward to a time I can come sit with you on the ceiling.

The Committee on House Administration is holding a Legislative Data and
Transparency Conference on February 2, 2012, from 9AM to 6PM in Cannon
Caucus Room, 345 Cannon HOB.

The Legislative Data and Transparency Conference brings together
Legislative Branch agencies with data users and transparency advocates to
discuss the use and future of legislative data. The conference will
address how agencies manage the creation and availability of legislative
data and how to further improve the process.  If you have any questions,
please contact the Committee on House Administration via phone at
202-225-8281 or via email at legdataconference@mail.house.gov.


The whole agenda has not been released, but this is
what I know about my section.

The Current State of Transparency
Introduction to the Legislative Information Flow

Panel 1: Legislative Branch Initiatives
Legislative Branch Agencies that create information

Panel 2: Legislative Branch Initiatives
Legislative Branch Agencies that disseminate information

Panel 3: What is data and what is available?
The impact and understandability of current data use

Panel 4: Extending XML and Metadata Standards
2:30 - 3:30
Tom Bruce, Cornell
House Office of Legislative Counsel
Law Revision Counsel
Office of the Clerk
Moderator: Anne L. Washington, George Mason university

Panel 5: Integrating Video and Metadata

Panel 6: Defining Transparency Success Measures
Next Steps for Improving Transparency

Anne L. Washington, PhD
Academic Work: George Mason University
Standards Work: W3C GLD working group

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2012 21:59:32 UTC