GLD Community_Directory_Questionnaire - US GWACS and other equivalents


I looked over the Community Directory Questionnaire pages trying to see if there was anything additional to capture.  One thing came to mind (although it may have already been part of a meeting dialog pertaining to procurement).  That is, should we request vendors and contractors to identify which US Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs) and/or other equivalents as part of their product and services descriptions.  As a government employee, having the knowledge that there is a procurement vehicle in place on a product or service of interest will lead me to spend more time researching said product or service.

Shall I edit the Community_Directory_Questionnair wiki page accordingly?  Thoughts?  Are there such GWAC equivalents in other countries, the EU?


Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs)

Regards to all.

G e r a l d   S t e e m a n
Scientific and Technical Information Program Office
757-604-7666 Cell<>

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 13:13:19 UTC