Re: Status update on GLD Community Directory & getting together by telecon/skype?

Ps - don't think you can share screens with multiple people using (free)


On 7/29/11 7:44 AM, "Steeman, Gerald A  (LARC-B7)"
<> wrote:

>skype id : steemang
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of Bernadette Hyland
>Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 7:35 AM
>To: Tope Imitola; George Thomas; William Brafford; Ghislain Auguste
>Cc: GLD Chairs; W3C GLD WG WG
>Subject: Re: Status update on GLD Community Directory & getting together
>by telecon/skype?
>OK, confirmed for Friday 29-Jul @ 10:00 US EST.  Let's try to do this via
>Skype.  (If unsuccessful, George said he'd offer up his bridge number &
>webshare but I don't know the overseas dial in details, so Skype seems
>more attractive).
>Review the requirements for community directory iterated this week for
>prototype.  See 
>Could everyone please share their skype ID.  I'll initiate the call at
>My skype id is bernhyland.
>On Jul 29, 2011, at 12:43 AM, wrote:
>> 10:00 US EST is ok for me as well. Are we going to do it on skype? My
>>skype id is tope.omitola.
>> Best
>> Tope
>> Quoting Bernadette Hyland <>:
>>> OK, I'll take you up on that for Fri 7/29.  What are the details for
>>> Ghislain, William, you & I are all available Friday.  Let's say  10:00
>>>US ET which works OK for Ghislain in Paris.
>>> I'll send out invite if you confirm affirmative.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bern
>>> On Jul 28, 2011, at 6:25 AM, Thomas, George (OS/ASA/OCIO/OEA) wrote:
>>>> I'm interested and could make pretty much anytime this Fri 7/29 work
>>>> Eastern time for me too) via skype or can offer webshare/telecon# if
>>>> needed/desired for multiple video share/view.
>>>> -g
>>>> On 7/27/11 10:58 PM, "Bernadette Hyland" <>
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Thanks for iterating the Community Directory Discussion Summary.  I
>>>>> offered earlier this month to set up a Callimachus instance on the
>>>>> and put up a prototype of the CD based on requirements you guys
>>>>> I've started that effort by rapidly creating the CD app using
>>>>> based on requirements this Task Force creates.  To do are review some
>>>>> comments in the page (see below) and style it to look like a W3C
>>>>>app.  IF
>>>>> the WG agrees to the proposed approach/design, ideally it would look
>>>>> it hangs off the W3C domain.
>>>>> In the "information collected/displayed" section[1] I've updated with
>>>>> notes about how that requirement breaks down on a web form & the
>>>>> controlled vocabulary.  I've marked some things to iterate as "TO
>>>>>DO" for
>>>>> a discussion with the Task Force.
>>>>> My comments are too detailed for the WG call on Thursday, but if
>>>>> like to meet by Skype or telecon at another time, I could go over it
>>>>> the 4 of us.
>>>>> --> Please suggest some times before next week's WG call.  There is
>>>>> 4 of us, so email shouldn't be too onerous to coordinate at
>>>>> Friday's are pretty flexible for me.  I'm on US EST.
>>>>> Note:  I'd prefer to avoid a protracted discussion around
>>>>> products/solutions on the WG call.   With 15+ technologists &
>>>>> on the phone, we'll go down a rabbit hole.  At the end of the day, a
>>>>> would be an acceptable choice if I didn't know about Callimachus,
>>>>>but I
>>>>> do.   We are the a Linked Data WG, so we should be creating triples &
>>>>> showing why this matters & what you can do with it easily, right?
>>>>> At the end of the day, it passes the stress test as long as it is:
>>>>> 1) FLOSS; and
>>>>> 2) Complies with the charter language "Hosting can be taken over by
>>>>> W3C or some responsible party, either inside or outside of W3C, in
>>>>> compliance with Charter."
>>>>> For transparency & full disclosure, 3 Round Stones is a sponsor of
>>>>> Callimachus Project, in addition to other organizations, previously
>>>>> and Cleveland Clinic.
>>>>> My company agrees to host the directory & IF accepted by the WG,
>>>>> support it (run on cloud, handle backups, etc).
>>>>> Why you might ask?
>>>>> Currently, a couple developers are extending the template driven
>>>>> content management capabilities of Callimachus and the CD effort
>>>>> help test these capabilities.
>>>>> What is in it for the WG?
>>>>> A community directory on Callimachus allows us to create triples up &
>>>>> down, use standard vocabularies (vCard, FOAF, Good Relations, VoID)
>>>>> all data will be available as LOD.  So it is about as clean & open as
>>>>> anything I know of.
>>>>> We're in the midst of trying out a new service provider (Amazon
>>>>> we've been using EC2) but haven't migrated yet.  I'll be able to
>>>>>give you
>>>>> a URL within a couple days.
>>>>> Sorry for such a long explanation, I would have liked to have
>>>>> earlier this week, but here it is late the night before the Thursday
>>>>> telecon.
>>>>> Thoughts??
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> y#Information_Collected.2FDisplayed
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Bernadette Hyland
>>>>> Direct.  +1-571-331-3758

Received on Friday, 29 July 2011 13:00:40 UTC