Re: Suggestion regarding the standard vocabularies task force - Metadata just for describing public-gov vocabularies

> On this topic, I would encourage people to take at look at the VoaF

+1 to VOAF ... I'd like to ask the chairs to consider inviting one of  
the Mondeca guys (Bernard Vatant or Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche) to join  
one of our upcoming telecons and quickly report on their lessons  
learned so far.

Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

On 28 Jul 2011, at 21:01, John Erickson wrote:

> On this topic, I would encourage people to take at look at the VoaF
> ('Vocabulary of a Friend) <> and Linked Open
> Vocabularies <> work happening in Europe. For
> example, François Scharffe demoed this at RPI this afternoon:
> My point in highlighting this tool is to not how it leverages VoaF to
> show the interrelationships of vocabularies. As we noted earlier
> today, one of the problems to be tackled by this WG is creating best
> practices that help stakeholders e.g. choose vocabularies (among other
> things).
> John
> 2011/7/28 Thomas, George (OS/ASA/OCIO/OEA) <>:
>> Thanks Professor Gómez-Pérez for the interesting suggestion during  
>> today’s
>> GLD telecon and the follow up.
>> Can I ask that you also take a look at a similar suggestion [1] [2]  
>> and
>> discuss with TopQuadrant GLD participants [3] who presented at the  
>> GLD F2F
>> [4] [5]? Perhaps a cross-walk of ideas, motivations, concepts,  
>> vocabulary
>> reuse, etc…
>> If other GLD participants are also working in this area, I’d  
>> encourage your
>> engagement on this GLD deliverable topic as well J
>> Regards,
>> George
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> From: [ 
>> ] On
>> Behalf Of Asunción Gómez Pérez
>> Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Suggestion regarding the standard vocabularies task force -
>> Metadata just for describing public-gov vocabularies
>> Dear all
>> Regarding the Task Force Standard Vocabularies, I would like to  
>> propose the
>> creation of a meta-standard just for  describing  public-gov  
>> vocabularies.
>> Currently, most vocabularies exist in the goverment domain in pure  
>> form
>> without any additional information, e.g. authorship information,  
>> such as
>> provided by Dublin Core for text documents, VOID for data sets,  
>> etc. This
>> burden makes it difficult for goverments e.g. to identify, find and  
>> apply
>> candidate vocabularies for their resuse effectively and efficiently.
>> Once the meta-standard is created, the next stpe would be to  
>> populate it
>> with domain specific public-gov vocabularies and store them in  
>> central
>> metadata registry.
>> This approach is similar to The Ontology Metadata Vocabulary [1,2] - 
>> OMV- for
>> the description of ontologies, which reflects what the ontology is  
>> about,
>> their developers, degree of consensus, etc.
>> I think that there are many lessons learnt from the Ontology  
>> Engineering
>> community that could help us to speed up the process of creating,  
>> managing
>> and using vocabularies.
>> KInd regards
>> [1]
>> [2] Hartmann, J.; Palma, R.; Sure, Y.; Haase, P.; Suarez-Figueroa,  
>> M. "OMV-
>> Ontology Metadata Vocabulary". In: Proceedings of the International  
>> Workshop
>> on Ontology Patterns for the Semantic Web, located at the conference
>> International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC2005. November, 2005.  
>> Galway,
>> Ireland.
>> --
>> Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez
>> Director of the Ontology Engineering Group
>> Facultad de Informática
>> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>> Campus de Montegancedo, sn
>> Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain
>> Home page:
>> Email:
>> Phone: (34-91) 336-7417
>> Fax: (34-91) 352-4819
> -- 
> John S. Erickson, Ph.D.
> Twitter: @olyerickson
> Skype: @olyerickson

Received on Friday, 29 July 2011 04:21:03 UTC