RE: Suggestion regarding the standard vocabularies task force - Metadata just for describing public-gov vocabularies

Thanks Professor Gómez-Pérez for the interesting suggestion during today's GLD telecon and the follow up.

Can I ask that you also take a look at a similar suggestion [1] [2] and discuss with TopQuadrant GLD participants [3] who presented at the GLD F2F [4] [5]? Perhaps a cross-walk of ideas, motivations, concepts, vocabulary reuse, etc...

If other GLD participants are also working in this area, I'd encourage your engagement on this GLD deliverable topic as well :)




From: [] On Behalf Of Asunción Gómez Pérez
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:40 AM
Subject: Suggestion regarding the standard vocabularies task force - Metadata just for describing public-gov vocabularies

Dear all

Regarding the Task Force Standard Vocabularies, I would like to propose the creation of a meta-standard just for  describing  public-gov vocabularies.  Currently, most vocabularies exist in the goverment domain in pure form without any additional information, e.g. authorship information, such as provided by Dublin Core for text documents, VOID for data sets, etc. This burden makes it difficult for goverments e.g. to identify, find and apply candidate vocabularies for their resuse effectively and efficiently.

Once the meta-standard is created, the next stpe would be to populate it  with domain specific public-gov vocabularies and store them in central metadata registry.

This approach is similar to The Ontology Metadata Vocabulary [1,2] -OMV- for the description of ontologies, which reflects what the ontology is about, their developers, degree of consensus, etc.

I think that there are many lessons learnt from the Ontology Engineering community that could help us to speed up the process of creating, managing and using vocabularies.

KInd regards

[2] Hartmann, J.; Palma, R.; Sure, Y.; Haase, P.; Suarez-Figueroa, M. "OMV- Ontology Metadata Vocabulary". In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Ontology Patterns for the Semantic Web, located at the conference International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC2005. November, 2005. Galway, Ireland.


Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez

Director of the Ontology Engineering Group

Facultad de Informática

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo, sn

Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain

Home page:<>


Phone: (34-91) 336-7417

Fax: (34-91) 352-4819

Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 16:04:42 UTC