- From: Michael Hausenblas <michael.hausenblas@deri.org>
- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 16:29:59 +0100
- To: Bernadette Hyland <bhyland@3roundstones.com>
- Cc: W3C GLD WG <public-gld-wg@w3.org>, GLD Chairs <team-gld-chairs@w3.org>
I'll have to send tentative regrets, very sorry (not the best start into a new WG, I know ...) Returning from Dublin at the very time and rather unlikely that I'll be able to make it on time. Richard will be around, though. Cheers, Michael -- Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway Ireland, Europe Tel. +353 91 495730 http://linkeddata.deri.ie/ http://sw-app.org/about.html On 6 Jul 2011, at 15:20, Bernadette Hyland wrote: > Hi all, > This email is going to GLD WG and those who registered to attend the > GLD working group held 29-30 June 2011 (by BCC). In general, the > calls are only for WG members, but if you're in the process of > joining, and the chairs know who you are, please do attend the > call. In the future, the telecon reminder will be sent to GLD WG > members only. If you have any questions, please email the GLD > chairs, team-gld-chairs@w3.org. > We are pleased to announce the first telecon of the W3C Government > Linked Data working group to be held Thursday, 7 July 2011 > 14:00-15:30 UTC (10:00-11:30 Boston, 7:00-8:30 San Francisco, > 15:00-16:30 London, 16:00-17:30 Paris) > Going forward we'll send a link to the agenda at least 24 hours in > advance however, for the first telecon the agenda is included in > this email, for your convenience. > Early draft minutes from the recent F2F (see top of page)[1] are > available. We had over thirty people in person at Arlington > Virginia and another dozen people participated remotely from the UK, > Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Australia and the US. > Details for weekly telecon: > Thursdays 14:00-15:30 UTC (10:00-11:30 Boston, 7:00-8:30 San > Francisco, 15:00-16:30 London, 16:00-17:30 Paris) > Teleconferences (official participants and invited guests only): > • > Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, or sip:zakim@voip.w3.org then > conference code 45394# ("GLDWG") > • IRC channel: #gld-wg on irc.w3.org on port 6665 > • An agenda is sent 24 hours in advance; minutes follow within a > day or two. > Please review the Zakim instructions at [2]. Since all of us will > scribe meetings at one time or another, please review the RRSAgent > instructions at [3]. Please review the mailing list archive [4]. > > The agenda for this first meeting will be: > > - Announcements / WG meeting schedule including poll for next F2F > - WG procedures (e.g. scribes, scribe/alternate schedule, use of GLD > wiki, mailing lists) > - Summary of 29-30 June 2011 F2F (Arlington VA) > - WG production schedule (review of major dates and deliverables in > the Charter) > - Review of initial tasks. We need task forces for the obligatory > pieces of work: > * Community Directory > * Best Practices for Publishing Linked Data > * Standard Vocabularies > The first task will be to collect options (existing proposals), use > cases and procedures for the above Deliverables. > > Cheers, > Bernadette Hyland > co-chair W3C Government Linked Data Working Group > > [1] First F2F (June 29-30, 2011) wiki page: http://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/F2F1 > [2] Zakim instructions: http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html > [3] RRSAgent instructions: http://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent > [4] GLD WG public mailing list: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-gld-wg/2011Jul/ > >
Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2011 15:30:41 UTC