Gov Linked Data WG - UPDATE

This email is going to the GLD WG *and* (BCC'd) everyone who filled out
the GLD survey [1].  I don't expect to send to the survey respondents
again, but I have a few bits of important news, especially for people
who want to join the WG.

* First: an early draft of the minutes of the first meeting is
available, linked near the top of the meeting page:

People who were there should feel free to clean these up more; the wiki
keeps the history of who made each edit.  If you were not there, you may
want to wait a few more days for cleanup before reading them.
* Teleconferences will be every Thursday at 7am San Francisco, 10am
Boston, 3pm London, 4pm Paris, starting July 7.  No time was okay with
everyone, but this had far fewer conflicts.   An agenda with call-in
details will be sent to the WG mailing list at least 24 hours in
advance.  If you're not able to officially join the WG by then, you can
check the public archives of the list:
In general, the calls are only for WG members, but if you're in the
process of joining, and the chairs know who you are, please do attend
the call.

* If you want to join the group as an Invited Expert, because you have
significant relevant expertise, a desire to contribute, and are not
affiliated with an organization which will benefit from your
participation, please go ahead and apply.  Instructions are here:

(Basically, you get a User Account, if you don't already have
one, then fill out the Invited Expert Application.)

* We are ALSO going to be granting TEMPORARY Invited Expert status to
people who are working on getting their organization to join W3C.  We
understand that for some organizations, making the decision and
executing the contract can take months.   During those months, as long
as things are moving forward at a reasonable pace, you may participate
as an IE.  If you want to join like this, please apply for IE status now
and briefly explain the situation in item 9 ("Possible W3C Membership").
If we haven't had a chance to talk about membership with you yet, we
will contact you.

I think that's it.   Thanks, all of you who were able to attend the
meeting or participate remotely.  It was great to meet you.  I'm really
happy with all the amazing people who are getting on board.  :-)

    -- Sandro  (W3C staff contact for GLD WG)


Received on Saturday, 2 July 2011 05:21:40 UTC