Re: Include examples for all properties


Am back from holiday and have had chance to look this over. My main
concerns was making sure there were pointers to useful supplementary
data on use of those properties. I think your examples help to address

But I was also hoping to see these pointers included elsewhere in the
document, specifically in the definitions for each of the properties.

Some of the existing properties include guidance on ranges (e.g.
dct:modified notes preferred datatype). It would be useful to add
similar references to dct:accrualPeriodicity, etc. For example:

  Range: dct:Frequency (A rate at which something recurs). Good
sources for these URIs are the Dublin Core frequency
  guidelines and the DataCube Content Oriented Guidelines

I think this would help promote useful high-quality sources, but
without mandating a particular approach.



On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 6:47 AM, Fadi Maali <> wrote:
> Hello Leigh,
> Sorry for late reply.
> I have extended the examples in the DCAT specification to include the other properties.
> In particular I added:
> - dct:spatial with an example URI from Geonames
> - dct:temporal with an example URI from the Interval dataset from
> - dcat:contactPoint with an made-up URI and a description that this can be further described using VCARD.
> Can you please let us know if you think this addresses your comment.
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Fadi Maali
> --------------------------------------------------
> Fadi Maali
> PhD student @ Insight Galway (formerly DERI)
> Irish Research Council Embark Scholarship holder
> On 29 Jun 2013, at 00:00, Leigh Dodds <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been reviewing the 12th March draft [1]. There are a number of
>> properties that don't have examples of their usage. I think the
>> specification should have example uses of every property, particularly
>> those that might be underspecified or documented elsewhere.
>> This is true of properties such as dct:accrualPeriodicity,
>> dct:spatial, dct:temporal, etc.
>> The Dublin Core have some general guidance which might be referenced
>> (or used to create examples. I've also recently learnt that there are
>> some standard accrual periods [3].
>> Additional examples will help ensure that users create more consistent metadata.
>> Cheers,
>> L.
>> [1].
>> [2].
>> [3].
>> --
>> Leigh Dodds
>> Freelance Technologist
>> Open Data, Linked Data Geek
>> t: @ldodds
>> w:
>> e:

Leigh Dodds
Freelance Technologist
Open Data, Linked Data Geek
t: @ldodds

Received on Monday, 4 November 2013 16:48:33 UTC