W3C Government Linked Data Working Group - Organizational Ontologies

Hi there. I'll unabashedly reveal my noob status on the topic of
organizational ontologies. That being said, and in response to mapping out
such organization ontologies, especially municipalities here's a few

   - Various branches of government i.e. 'executive', 'legislative',
   'judicial' etc?  We're looking at naming conventions for
   local-government positions and have been considering this format:

   - Various 'committees', 'boards' and 'commissions' where elected
   officials serve. These are typically not ad hoc but, deeply embedded in a
   municipal organizations fabric.

   - The municipal entities legal-structure i.e. if a local government is
   mandated under a 'Charter' or 'General Law'?

   - The municipal system of government such as 'Mayor-Commission' or

   - The legal relationship of the organization to a parent such as
   'annex', 'township', ('subsidiary' for corporations) etc.



*Jerry Hall*
*eCitizens.org <http://ecitizens.org/>*

8583441104@pm.sprint.com - email me your text message
858-344-1104 cell


Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 19:06:27 UTC