Re: person instead of agent

Hi Domique,

On 06/12/13 16:21, Dominique Hazael-Massieux wrote:
> Hi,
> describes "memberOf" as indicating that a *person* is a member of the organization; but given that the domain of that property is foaf:Agent, I believe this is not limited to a person (and e.g. an organization itself can be a member of another organization).


> If that is indeed so, I suggest avoiding to use the word "person"; this
> probably applies to other description in the spec (e.g. hasMember).
> 5.3.4 seems to already make the distinction properly though.

I agree that would be a useful editorial clarification.

Technically the documents are now frozen since have made the final 
decision to seek transition to PR. However, since we have only just done 
that and this is such a small but useful editorial change I think it is 
reasonable to make it. So I have done so [1][2].

Please could you confirm that you are happy with this response.


[1] Current editor's draft with the correction is at:

[2] Chairs/Sandro - I'm hoping this is far enough in advance of the 
meeting that no one will have gone through the spec with a fine tooth 
comb yet so this is acceptable.

Received on Friday, 6 December 2013 22:22:33 UTC