AW: How to represent geographic coordinates for maps

Hi Kostis,

> > If I have understood things correctly, only the RDA ones are
> > applicable directly for a map, whereas wgs84 and geosparql really are about
> > places and not about maps, so that you would need to introduce a level of
> > indirection to use them directly for maps. A (made-up) example:

> Why do you say that GeoSPARQL is just about places? GeoSPARQL (and
> stSPARQL) allow the representation of geometric information encoded
> according to the WKT and GML standards (so you can have points, linestrings,
> polygons, multipoints etc.). To my understanding, you can safely use the
> vocabulary proposed by GeoSPARQL (I don't see any reasons not to do so).

My apologies, I didn't express myself very clearly when posing my question. What I meant was that when I publish coordinates using GeoSPARQL I describe the extent of real world geographic entities and not of maps printed on paper. The example you give seems to support this view:

> prefix geo: <>
> my:resource a ex:Map ;
>         dc:title "The Marauder's Map" ;
>         my:hasSpatialExtent my:resourceGeo .
> my:resourceGeo a geo:Geometry ;
>         geo:hasGeometry "<>POLYGON((45.33 -13,45.33 49, 45.58 49, 45.59 -13, 45.33 -13))"^^geo:wktLiteral .

My main point is that I cannot attach geo:hasGeometry (or wgs84) directly to the map but have to say that the map has a spatial extent (or describes something) that is a geo:Geometry.

So assuming that we can encode the coordinates in a fashion that is easy to parse, I'd like to come back to my question no 2: Are coordinates for maps of any use at all to this community?



***Lesen. Hören. Wissen. Deutsche Nationalbibliothek***
***Reading. Listening. Understanding. German National Library***

Dr. Lars G. Svensson
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek / Informationstechnik

Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 13:56:05 UTC