Re: [deviceorientation] Alternative orientation representations? (#182)

> The realities of physics haven't changed, so I wouldn't expect different results, except that you are retrofitting to an API that is not designed to be extensible.

How is it not extensible? I don't see any issue with bringing the things you listed above to the Device Orientation and Motion spec? 

Given the lack of interest from other implementers in the additional specifications, it may be more effective to integrate that functionality into the existing ones. The current approach seems to conflict with the TAG's [new features]( design principles.

According to these principles: "Before adding items, consider integration with existing, similar capabilities." It appears that there was limited effort to integrate similar capabilities, leading to specifications that are implemented by only one engine and are not adopted by other browser vendors.

Wouldn't it be better to add the functionality to this spec (which we should do regardless)? 

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