Re: [deviceorientation] chore: Update (#178)

> Geolocation API readme examples are great and could be contributed to MDN developer docs when appropriate to reach more web developers.

MDN has a really good [guide](

I guess if anything, we should probably remove the examples from the Geo README and point people to that 😅 (and maybe we could modernize what's on MDN).

> I was thinking of a minimal baseline spec repo readme with information on how to contribute, how to build. Something that first into one page. I'm fine with repos having custom readmes, it gives them character.

I still think that's better handled by the ... For instance, the one for Web Manifest contains how to build instructions, style guide, etc. 

I personally prefer keep the READMEs minimal and without any duplicative information.... more like, if you want to contribute, read, if you want to do Y, read Y.MD... and so on. 

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