Re: [deviceorientation] Do we really need 3 permissions policies? (#162)

Right, I get the rationale, but it's more about in practice what it means and how that's communicated to users (as well as developers). That is, it's difficult to communicate "a magnetometer can be more privacy sensitive than accelerometer" to both developers and users - when either doesn't actually care which sensors are being accessed to produce the "device orientation"... it's all just "magic" 🪄 (some new "quantum gravity motion super position sensor 3000"™️ could be invented tomorrow to do the same thing as the three sensors).

I'm worried that trying to use 3 different permissions is trying to be overly clever, when it could just use one (or two at most). 

My other worry is other APIs trying hang on these permissions (or redefine them!), which is even more confusing... looking at "magnetometer", for example. That doesn't seem great.  

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