Re: [User Context] GeoLoc missing API for user justification in prompts

On May 29, 2014, at 4:53 PM, timeless <> wrote:

> James wrote:
> > Giri dropped off the call before this topic came up this morning,
> > but the GeoLocation API is missing a way for web apps to explain
> > to the user *why* they need access to the user's location.
> > It's not always obvious why a blog, news, or conference site wants
> > to use my location. I deny these immediately,
> > even though I may have allowed some had I known the intended use. 
> Personally, there's an entire web platform of APIs for this. You can have a 100% opaque div on top of your screen which explains what you want. Just show the explanation before you ask. 
> Any time anyone has ever gotten the ability to have browser-trusted-chrome display a message, they've used it to trick the user.
> Meta tags don't work because they don't handle localization/ translations well. 
> Note to self: send comments on Indie UI

What timeless said.

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2014 23:56:11 UTC