Re: Farewell....

John, I wish you the very best of luck with your new commitments. Thanks for
your work in the group that definitely helped to better shape the spec
although not in the way you expected.

Best regards,

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 6:58 AM, John Morris <> wrote:

> To the Geolocation group,
> Although I've not been very active recently, I want to say a quick goodbye.
>  As some of you know, after 10+ years of working on standards and other
> issues for the Center for Democracy & Technology in Washington, I am leaving
> to take a position working on Internet policy with the U.S. government.
> There are a bunch of location privacy bills being considered in the U.S.
> Congress, and if one of them passes, there is a good chance that this group
> will want to work to respond to new requirements.  In that event, I urge you
> to touch base with my (now former) CDT colleague Alissa for some input.
> Thanks to Lars Erik, Angel, and Matt, and all the participants, for their
> efforts in this group.  Although the group did not go in the direction we
> urged, I nevertheless enjoyed our interactions.
> John Morris

Received on Tuesday, 27 September 2011 11:33:13 UTC