Re: updated editor's draft of the Geolocation API specification


I'd like to thank everyone for the feedback. It is clear that the
consensus is to drop the "permission expiry" sentence, so I dropped

I have therefore updated the spec with the following non-normative section:

Additional implementation consideration

This section is non-normative

Further to the requirements listed in the previous section,
implementors of the Geolocation API are also advised to consider the
following aspects that may negatively affect the privacy of their
users: in certain cases, users may inadvertently grant permission to
the User Agent to disclose their location to Web sites. In other
cases, the content hosted at a certain URL changes in such a way that
the previously granted location permissions no longer apply as far as
a user is concerned. Or the users might simply change their mind.

Predicting or preventing these situations is inherently
difficult. Mitigation and in-depth defensive measures are an
implementation responsibility and not prescribed by this
specification. However, in designing these measures, implementers are advised
to enable user awareness of location sharing, and to provide easy
access to interfaces that enable revocation of permissions.

Here are the diffs:

I would now like to kindly ask Angel, Lars Erik and Matt to check if
we are ready to publish the latest Editor's Draft.

Many thanks,

Received on Monday, 8 June 2009 11:01:29 UTC