Re: The Geolocation API must provide location data in terms of a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates.

Hi all,

On Jun 25, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Erik Wilde wrote:

> ...and please forgive me if i am not entirely correct in what i am  
> saying, i am not a GIS person. over the last year i have at least  
> learned that location is a more complex concept than i first thought  
> it would be.

I'm glad to see these issues coming up.  I'm hoping some of our  
geospatial technology experts will chime in here and give us some  
guidance.  From past experience, things like the grid systems used in  
some countries, and the ellipsoidal coordinate systems used in others  
make interchange difficult when not knowing what each part of the  
system expects for a datum.

(Similarly for timestamps, it should be noted that GPS time is not  
quite UTC.)


Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 17:40:24 UTC