Re: WKT Annotation Selectors and Spatial Queries

Dear Erich,
I think we discussed about it some time ago.
I have vague memories though.

I know MapHub ( uses WKT for geographic
information (see figure 5).
It is providing it along with a SVG selector as well. I remember Bernhard
Haslhofer saying he was actually preferring WKT to SVG (but I can be wrong
on that).

And I found a couple of related messages in the mailing list

Hope somebody else in the mailing list remembers more.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Erich Bremer <>

> I caught Paolo Ciccarese's talk on "Interoperable Biomedical Image
> Annotations: Describing and Linking Biomedical Images through Open
> Annotation and Domain Ontologies" at this workshop:
> With encouragement from Paolo during the Q&A, I'm posting my
> question/comment here:
> Has Well Known Text (WKT -
> been considered for an annotations selector along with SVG and web media
> fragments URI?  It seems to me to be a good choice considering the heavy
> use of WKT in the GIS community.  Additionally, WKT is usually a trigger
> for spatial indexing in systems that support it for answering queries like
> distance, intersection, etc.  Incorporating a more robust annotation
> selector that can deal with various geometries (line, square, polygon, etc)
> and be supported in spatial indexing would allow queries that could bring
> all annotations back that are within 10 miles of a point (or polygon) or in
> the non-GIS spatial case, say, bringing back all annotations within 27
> pixels in a biomedical image from a given point or polygon.
> Biomedical imaging and their related polygon segmentations is a use case
> that would be good to include as part of the new Spatial Data on the Web
> working group:
>   - Erich
> --
> ==========================================================
> Erich Bremer, M.Sc.
> Director for Cyberinfrastructure
> Health Sciences Division of Applied Informatics
> Stony Brook Medicine
> Tel. : 1-631-444-3560
> Fax  : 1-631-444-8873
> Cell : 1-631-681-6228
> Office Location/Mailing Address
> HSC, L3: Room 119
> Stony Brook, NY 11794-8330

Dr. Paolo Ciccarese
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Neuroscience, Massachusetts General Hospital
Senior Information Scientist, MGH Biomedical Informatics Core

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